I had an intuition last night regarding the significance of the Riemann Hypothesis which was of a faint - yet truly incredible - beauty. Following intense reflection on the Hypothesis over the past two years, I have come to the firm conclusion that its true relevance has been missed. Let me attempt to put this once again into perspective. A complete approach to Mathematics entails three distinct aspects: 1) Conventional (Analytic) Mathematics that is geared directly to the quantitative interpretation of mathematical symbols. 2) Holistic Mathematics that is geared directly to the qualitative interpretation of these same symbols. 3) Comprehensive Mathematics - what I term Radial Mathematics - which simultaneously combines both the analytic and holistic aspects. Though the Riemann Hypothesis does not serve as a necessary condition for the existence of these three aspects, it does however provide a remarkable demonstration of their relevance. Putting it bluntly, the Rieman...
An alternative qualitative appreciation of science based on the holistic interpretation of mathematical symbols