It is important to distinguish linear and circular, in holistic mathematical terms, from real and imaginary (which in many ways are closely related). Initially, linear relates - in a scientific context - to understanding according to either/or logic. Here the crucial polar opposites, which condition all phenomenal experience of reality (internal/external, whole/part and form/emptiness) are clearly separated in interpretation. This then enables rational linkages to be made in an unambiguous sequential fashion. So Conventional Science is characterised by linear (1-dimensional) interpretation. Such linear understanding is directly posited in a real manner. To posit in this dynamic context (which entails the holistic meaning of +) simply means to make conscious. Real in a holistic mathematical context means understanding that is of a direct conscious nature. So Conventional Science is linear, corresponding to real rational interpretation in a positive manner. However in dynamic experientia...
An alternative qualitative appreciation of science based on the holistic interpretation of mathematical symbols