I have already written quite a lot regarding the conceptual difficulties surrounding String Theory. As it stands I would say that from a qualitative perspective, it presently does not constitute a meaningful physical interpretation of the Universe. However once some of its key ideas are properly decoded we can begin to appreciate what it really is all about. Conventional Science is heavily based on the linear rational approach which is thereby 1-dimensional in qualitative terms. This attempts to give one unambiguous direction to understanding e.g. interpretation that is (merely) objective, space distances that are (merely) positive, propositions that are (merely) true etc. Not surprisingly - in terms of this approach - the most fundamental constituent of matter i.e. the string is viewed likewise as 1-dimensional in quantitative terms. Common sense notions of the nature of space and time likewise reflect the 1-dimensional qualitative approach. Here we view 3 dimensions as spatial (with ...
An alternative qualitative appreciation of science based on the holistic interpretation of mathematical symbols