This latest contribution in many ways entails a summary of the points that I have made in recent blog entries and in discussion with Anthony Judge in relation to “Transforming the Art of Conversation - conversing as the transformative science of development” at his hugely impressive “Laetus in Praesens” site. I have been long fascinated by the fact that the two binary digits (1 and 0) when used in a quantitative manner can potentially encode all information processes. I am therefore of the opinion that the same two digits when used in an appropriate qualitative manner can likewise potentially encode all transformation processes. So transformation itself (in all its manifestations) is basically encoded in number when appreciated in a qualitative manner. Now as geometrical symbols, 1 can be identified with the straight line and 0 with a circular circumference. So the relationship of 1 and 0 in qualitative terms implies the relationship between (rational) linear and (intuitive) ...
An alternative qualitative appreciation of science based on the holistic interpretation of mathematical symbols