I was reading Paul Allen’s “The Idea Man” recently which I found fascinating on several levels (especially with respect to his relationship with Bill Gates and the founding of Microsoft). Clearly both Allen and Gates were extremely talented individuals with a special gift for programming. What I did not realise however was the extraordinary amount of work that they put in before eventually leading to the founding of Microsoft. In Jungian personality terms, whereas Gates would have been an S, Allen clearly was more of an N type. Though the relationship between them was never easy, the combination of Gates’ pragmatism and ruthless realism allied to Allen’s creative vision and shrewd reading of technical developments effectively led to the founding of Microsoft. However as regards the survival of the fittest with respect to Microsoft ultimately only one person would assume control which inevitably meant Bill Gates. In the end whereas Gates was intent on making Microsoft his life, ...
An alternative qualitative appreciation of science based on the holistic interpretation of mathematical symbols