I was reading Paul Allen’s “The Idea Man” recently which I found fascinating on several levels (especially with respect to his relationship with Bill Gates and the founding of Microsoft).
Clearly both Allen and Gates were extremely talented individuals with a special gift for programming. What I did not realise however was the extraordinary amount of work that they put in before eventually leading to the founding of Microsoft.
In Jungian personality terms, whereas Gates would have been an S, Allen clearly was more of an N type. Though the relationship between them was never easy, the combination of Gates’ pragmatism and ruthless realism allied to Allen’s creative vision and shrewd reading of technical developments effectively led to the founding of Microsoft.
However as regards the survival of the fittest with respect to Microsoft ultimately only one person would assume control which inevitably meant Bill Gates.
In the end whereas Gates was intent on making Microsoft his life, Allen wanted the freedom to devote his energies to a hotch-potch of differing interests (which his immense wealth has facilitated).
Reading this book got me thinking again with respect to my own “visionary perspective” for the future of computers.
Once again the present IT revolution depends heavily on the quantitative use of the binary system i.e. as the means for using a series of 1’s and 0’s to encode information.
However I have long advocated a second qualitative binary system that would make use of the holistic interpretation of 1 and 0 with the potential power to encode all transformation processes. 1 in this context relates to linear logic as the actual basic for encoding (unitary) form whereas 0 relates to circular logic as the corresponding indirect basis for encoding emptiness i.e. nothingness (as the potential source of all form).
And it is in the interaction of form and emptiness at all levels of reality that we have continual transformation.
Now up to this I have always tended to associate this second type in its most developed state with the human species especially with respect to the potential for considerable spiritual transformation.
And as evolution of such spiritual potential in general is of a very slow nature, this would place considerable limits on the possibility of radical “computer” developments in the near future with respect to the use of this qualitative binary system. Indeed - as I have so often stated - it is not even formally recognised in current scientific thinking where the basis paradigm is almost exclusively built on the recognition of - merely - one qualitative digit (i.e. 1 corresponding to the linear logic of form).
Now the human species represents an organic biological life process (which is distinct from the mechanistic type of systems associated with quantitative IT type developments).
However it struck me recently that perhaps it is mistaken to confine possible developments with respect to the alternative qualitative system to advances in human spiritual evolutionary development (which could take a long time).
In other words other biological life processes could perhaps be created through laboratory means with far greater potential for rapid spiritual development. If this is true then this would entail that an alternative qualitative IT revolution could then be directly associated with the use of these biological life forms that would be capable of acting in a highly creative manner.
Indeed from one perspective, just as current IT devices can be seen as an extension of the human personality with respect to facilitating information of all kinds, in time these alternative qualitative IT devices - relating directly to “creative” intelligent biological life forms - would then be seen as an extension of the human personality with respect to facilitating transformation, leading to the potential for very rapid spiritual evolution in humanity.
However this brave new world would raise very grave issues regarding democracy and control with perhaps the human species having to recognise that it no longer can dominate in this regard but rather would have to concede considerable rights to new intelligent life forms that have been initially biologically created through artificial means.
Of course the ultimate IT revolution would then combine both the quantitative possibilities for encoding information with the qualitative possibilities for encoding transformation.
In fact I am slowly coming to the realisation that - when appropriately appreciated - what we know as reality is in fact but the operation of this ultimate IT system (most of whose secrets have yet to be revealed).
One obvious realisation that will flow from the mastery of this final comprehensive IT system is that phenomenal reality itself - on all levels - is capable of direct transformation.
Put another way phenomenal reality - when properly understood - can be seen to represent but the dynamic configuration of the binary digits (with respect to both their quantitative and qualitative aspects).
Therefore the changing of phenomenal reality in any context ultimately relates to the ability to appropriately reconfigure this digital system (with respect to both its quantitative and qualitative aspects).
We are very far from proper realisation of this at the moment. However the very fact that I am even writing about such possibilities would suggest that the starting recognition of such an ultimate IT system has already commenced.
And in the deepest sense this equally implies recognition of the true nature of our essential personalities as God incarnated in phenomenal form.
Clearly both Allen and Gates were extremely talented individuals with a special gift for programming. What I did not realise however was the extraordinary amount of work that they put in before eventually leading to the founding of Microsoft.
In Jungian personality terms, whereas Gates would have been an S, Allen clearly was more of an N type. Though the relationship between them was never easy, the combination of Gates’ pragmatism and ruthless realism allied to Allen’s creative vision and shrewd reading of technical developments effectively led to the founding of Microsoft.
However as regards the survival of the fittest with respect to Microsoft ultimately only one person would assume control which inevitably meant Bill Gates.
In the end whereas Gates was intent on making Microsoft his life, Allen wanted the freedom to devote his energies to a hotch-potch of differing interests (which his immense wealth has facilitated).
Reading this book got me thinking again with respect to my own “visionary perspective” for the future of computers.
Once again the present IT revolution depends heavily on the quantitative use of the binary system i.e. as the means for using a series of 1’s and 0’s to encode information.
However I have long advocated a second qualitative binary system that would make use of the holistic interpretation of 1 and 0 with the potential power to encode all transformation processes. 1 in this context relates to linear logic as the actual basic for encoding (unitary) form whereas 0 relates to circular logic as the corresponding indirect basis for encoding emptiness i.e. nothingness (as the potential source of all form).
And it is in the interaction of form and emptiness at all levels of reality that we have continual transformation.
Now up to this I have always tended to associate this second type in its most developed state with the human species especially with respect to the potential for considerable spiritual transformation.
And as evolution of such spiritual potential in general is of a very slow nature, this would place considerable limits on the possibility of radical “computer” developments in the near future with respect to the use of this qualitative binary system. Indeed - as I have so often stated - it is not even formally recognised in current scientific thinking where the basis paradigm is almost exclusively built on the recognition of - merely - one qualitative digit (i.e. 1 corresponding to the linear logic of form).
Now the human species represents an organic biological life process (which is distinct from the mechanistic type of systems associated with quantitative IT type developments).
However it struck me recently that perhaps it is mistaken to confine possible developments with respect to the alternative qualitative system to advances in human spiritual evolutionary development (which could take a long time).
In other words other biological life processes could perhaps be created through laboratory means with far greater potential for rapid spiritual development. If this is true then this would entail that an alternative qualitative IT revolution could then be directly associated with the use of these biological life forms that would be capable of acting in a highly creative manner.
Indeed from one perspective, just as current IT devices can be seen as an extension of the human personality with respect to facilitating information of all kinds, in time these alternative qualitative IT devices - relating directly to “creative” intelligent biological life forms - would then be seen as an extension of the human personality with respect to facilitating transformation, leading to the potential for very rapid spiritual evolution in humanity.
However this brave new world would raise very grave issues regarding democracy and control with perhaps the human species having to recognise that it no longer can dominate in this regard but rather would have to concede considerable rights to new intelligent life forms that have been initially biologically created through artificial means.
Of course the ultimate IT revolution would then combine both the quantitative possibilities for encoding information with the qualitative possibilities for encoding transformation.
In fact I am slowly coming to the realisation that - when appropriately appreciated - what we know as reality is in fact but the operation of this ultimate IT system (most of whose secrets have yet to be revealed).
One obvious realisation that will flow from the mastery of this final comprehensive IT system is that phenomenal reality itself - on all levels - is capable of direct transformation.
Put another way phenomenal reality - when properly understood - can be seen to represent but the dynamic configuration of the binary digits (with respect to both their quantitative and qualitative aspects).
Therefore the changing of phenomenal reality in any context ultimately relates to the ability to appropriately reconfigure this digital system (with respect to both its quantitative and qualitative aspects).
We are very far from proper realisation of this at the moment. However the very fact that I am even writing about such possibilities would suggest that the starting recognition of such an ultimate IT system has already commenced.
And in the deepest sense this equally implies recognition of the true nature of our essential personalities as God incarnated in phenomenal form.
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