I have for some time maintained that my scientific approach is designed as a - preliminary - Radial 1 account of reality. However, before we get carried away with this let's remind ourselves that Radial 1 is but the first of 9 radial levels! Using mathematical terminology, the Radial 1 level is based on the two fundamental digits 1 and 0 (when appreciated in a holistic sense). So the purpose of this approach is to clarify how all stages of development are basically configured in terms of the interaction of linear form (1) and circular emptiness (0) respectively. Though of course some level of duality is required even at this level it is confined to consideration of the three fundamental polarities internal/external), whole/part and form/emptiness that underlie all phenomenal processes (and which can be given a coherent holistic mathematical rationale). So the Radial 1 approach lies closest to the purely contemplative vision of reality translated rationally into its most universal s...
An alternative qualitative appreciation of science based on the holistic interpretation of mathematical symbols