Just as standard i.e. conventional Mathematics provides the essential tool for analytic science (which we misleadingly define as "science") Holistic Mathematics provides the essential tool for a new form of integral science with a truly extraordinary potential for development.
When properly understood in a more comprehensive manner, every (analytic) branch of science has its integral equivalent based on a truly holistic appreciation of symbols.
So for example we can validly speak of Integral Physics and Integral Economics (just to give two examples with which I have been mainly concerned).
Though I had developed many general notions, with some important specific illustrations, concerning integral science, recently I returned to physics with a view to a more detailed investigation.
So during the Summer I completed three main articles, which still require some minor revisions, with the promise of a fourth to come (researched for, but not yet written).
The first article is more general in nature relating to the precise nature of an integral - as opposed to analytic - interpretation of physics.
One simple way of explaining the distinction is with respect to the comparison as between the rational and contemplative worldviews. So standard physics - in formal terms - is strictly based on rational criteria whereas integral physics is directly based on a contemplative worldview (indirectly conveyed through a distinctive paradoxical appreciation of rational symbols).
Now the most comprehensive form of physics - Radial Physics - then combines both rational and contemplative understanding in a manner that greatly enhances both single aspects. However - except in a very preliminary manner - I have not concentrated on Radial Physics as there is vast undiscovered territory yet to be explored at an integral level.
The second article explores Einstein's Relativity (Special and General) indicating the integral equivalent of key concepts. I found this very exciting as it opens up an entirely new appreciation of the nature of relativity.
Putting it briefly standard understanding is based on the quantitative interpretation of movement (within a fixed logical interpretative system).
Integral understanding by contrast is based on an alternative qualitative interpretation of movement (where logical interpretation itself changes becoming progressively more dynamic).
And this essentially is what happens through authentic contemplation. So in a way I am examining the precise implications of changes in contemplative understanding for the appreciation of physical reality.
The third article then applies the integral approach to quantum mechanical understanding. One key conclusion from my investigations here is that one cannot attempt to divorce physical understanding of reality at a quantum physical level from the corresponding manner of its psychological interpretation.
Once we properly realise this, the findings of quantum physics are fully in accordance with the enhanced intuition of the contemplative world view.
The final - and most ambitious - article proposes to deal with the world of strings.
We will perhaps return to give a flavour of this in future blogs.
When properly understood in a more comprehensive manner, every (analytic) branch of science has its integral equivalent based on a truly holistic appreciation of symbols.
So for example we can validly speak of Integral Physics and Integral Economics (just to give two examples with which I have been mainly concerned).
Though I had developed many general notions, with some important specific illustrations, concerning integral science, recently I returned to physics with a view to a more detailed investigation.
So during the Summer I completed three main articles, which still require some minor revisions, with the promise of a fourth to come (researched for, but not yet written).
The first article is more general in nature relating to the precise nature of an integral - as opposed to analytic - interpretation of physics.
One simple way of explaining the distinction is with respect to the comparison as between the rational and contemplative worldviews. So standard physics - in formal terms - is strictly based on rational criteria whereas integral physics is directly based on a contemplative worldview (indirectly conveyed through a distinctive paradoxical appreciation of rational symbols).
Now the most comprehensive form of physics - Radial Physics - then combines both rational and contemplative understanding in a manner that greatly enhances both single aspects. However - except in a very preliminary manner - I have not concentrated on Radial Physics as there is vast undiscovered territory yet to be explored at an integral level.
The second article explores Einstein's Relativity (Special and General) indicating the integral equivalent of key concepts. I found this very exciting as it opens up an entirely new appreciation of the nature of relativity.
Putting it briefly standard understanding is based on the quantitative interpretation of movement (within a fixed logical interpretative system).
Integral understanding by contrast is based on an alternative qualitative interpretation of movement (where logical interpretation itself changes becoming progressively more dynamic).
And this essentially is what happens through authentic contemplation. So in a way I am examining the precise implications of changes in contemplative understanding for the appreciation of physical reality.
The third article then applies the integral approach to quantum mechanical understanding. One key conclusion from my investigations here is that one cannot attempt to divorce physical understanding of reality at a quantum physical level from the corresponding manner of its psychological interpretation.
Once we properly realise this, the findings of quantum physics are fully in accordance with the enhanced intuition of the contemplative world view.
The final - and most ambitious - article proposes to deal with the world of strings.
We will perhaps return to give a flavour of this in future blogs.
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