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Multidimensional Nature of Time and Space (12)

We will now consider directly the nature of time (and space) associated with the negative integers (as qualitative dimensions).

The even integer dimensions (- 2, - 4, - 6, - 8,...) are easier to explain, for here in all cases - from the psychological perspective - time has no phenomenal meaning with experience relating directly a present moment continually renewed. This in turn would be consistent with a pure contemplative state.

Of course, because in actual experience, all the varying dimensions co-exist (at least with the potential to exist) we cannot completely isolate the experience of any one dimension. However having said this, at any moment one or more can be especially prominent.

So therefore for example if the experience of the negative 2nd dimension is predominant then indeed one will have little consciousness of time (or space) but rather the spiritual awareness of the (absolute) present moment. Once again such experience is of a purely intuitive nature resulting from the successful negation of any secondary rational attachment to the notion of reality as merely relative (based on the the complementarity of real opposite poles).

So the positive 2-dimensional experience relates to refined rational understanding of the relativity of opposite real poles, in which case one understands time (and space) as having both positive and negative linear directions.

The negative 2-dimensional experience then relates to the direct intuitive realisation of the relativity of these same poles (which results in immediate experience of a present reality).

And again because physical and psychological aspects are themselves complementary, this equally implies that a physical correspondent exists for all negative even dimensions. Again the positive 2-dimensional structure would relate to the dynamic nature of matter particles resulting - relatively - from both positive and negative aspects (of time (and space) i.e. real matter and anti-matter particles. The negative 2-dimensional state would relate directly to the energy fusion (arising from the interaction) which again would exist in an immediate present moment.

Once again, the negative odd dimensions are more difficult to describe, especially in relation to the dynamic nature of time and space involved.

In one important respect they represent the reverse of what is involved with the even number dimensions.

Perhaps again it may be initially easier to appreciate this from a psychological contemplative perspective (where explicit experiential knowledge of such dimensions unfolds).

Now all the mystical traditions speak of the dangers of possessive attachment (which essentially relate to a confused interpretation of the nature of reality). One such attachment is where rational understanding tends to dominate purer intuitive realisation of what is appropriate to the situation leading to an unfortunate form of reductionism. As we have seen such reductionism is endemic with respect to conventional (formal) interpretation in both Science and Mathematics.

Therefore from the psychological perspective though (discriminating) reason and (holistic) intuition necessarily interact in all such understanding, formal interpretation completely excludes intuition - and thereby distorts - its true nature; equally from the complementary physical perspective though phenomenal reality entails the dynamic interaction of visible finite particles with an invisible holistic ground, again experience of reality formally is based on the direct reduction of the infinite aspect in finite terms.

Thus one important task in the development of an authentic contemplative vision is the erosion of (rigid) conscious attachments (of sense and reason) thereby freeing the intuitive light, with which is equally associated a new refined appreciation of the nature of physical reality.

And essentially, it is this type of passive purgation (i.e. negation) that applies with the even numbered dimensions which - when successful - leads to the experience of ever more refined intuitive states.

However, there an equally important type of active detachment required (which to my mind is not sufficiently emphasised in the mystical literature). Thus, higher stages of development are not just concerned with the attainment of ever more refined intuitive states. Equally they are concerned with with the attainment of ever more refined rational structures, whereby one is enabled to think about reality in a much clearer manner (which should be one important goal of Science).

So, whereas purer intuition is developed through cleansing of the confusion of unnecessary rational attachment, purer reason, is developed - by contrast - through cleansing the confusion associated with unnecessary intuitive clutter.

Such clutter typically arises through unrecognised projections of an unconscious nature that then can considerably interfere with conscious type activity.

So much as we might profess the neutrality of science, based merely on objective rational assessment of truth, in practice this is but an illusion with scientists' judgement at every turn subtly - and sometimes not so subtly - influenced by all sorts of unconscious prejudices (of which they generally are not aware).

As I have stated before, the higher odd dimensions are always associated with the pursuit of linear activity. However the higher the dimension involved, the more aware one becomes of new unconscious projections that interfere with direct rational activity.

Putting it bluntly, all scientists and mathematicians inevitably fall victim to unconscious projections and prejudices that interfere with the neutral pursuit of rational truth. However at the 1-dimensional level, they are likely to remain largely unaware of these projections, whereas at the higher odd dimensions, there will be a growing realisation of their nature (and how they interfere with conscious reason).

Thus the negative odd dimensions are, in psychological terms, associated with the gradual erosion of involuntary projections. So when successful traversed, a purer form of rational activity results (largely free of involuntary projections).

Once again there is a remarkable correspondent of this with the Riemann Zeta Function, whereby for all odd integers a rational number results.

So therefore with respect to time and space, the negative odd dimensions are associated with a purer experience of their linear nature (where both move in a forward direction). And this linear nature corresponds with the ability to actively involve oneself in a conscious rational manner (free of interference from involuntary projections).

So strictly when one is the victim of phenomenal projections, all sorts of confusion arise. One may still interpret that one is operating within a framework of linear time (and space) but in truth this will be mingled also with unrecognised rigid forms of imaginary time (and space).

Most of my attention over the years has been to provide a truly scientific rationale (of a holistic mathematical nature) with respect to the higher stages of development. Though such stages have indeed been successfully traversed by the spiritual superstars of the varying mystical traditions, accounts are generally couched in the language of the various religions they represent.

Unfortunately such accounts do not lend themselves readily to qualitative mathematical interpretation. So in some ways I would see myself as in the process of attempting to develop a new mathematical language that is consistent with the transformed understanding that unfolds with each of these stages.

And of paramount significance in this context is the holistic mathematical notion of dimension. So the stages of higher level development literally entail journeying through these varying dimensions (in their positive and negative form).

And in this quest I would emphasise the importance of balance.

1. Higher level rational understanding of reality must be counterbalanced equally by higher level intuitive realisation, for in dynamic terms both mutually serve each other. Traditionally there has been far too much emphasis on mere reason within the scientific community and then too much emphasis on mere intuition within the esoteric mystical traditions. This has resulted in a considerable division as between the religious and scientific quests though in truth they should be seen as mutually complementary.

2. Even numbered dimensional stages are directly concerned with the integration of reality and the ultimate attainment of pure intuitive states as negative dimensions (which have an indirect rational interpretation as positive).

Odd numbered stages - by contrast - are directly concerned with the differentiation of reality and the ultimate attainment of pure rational structures as negative dimensions (which have an indirect intuitive interpretation as positive).

3. For proper balance both odd and even numbered dimensions need to be emphasised; equally both positive and negative aspects likewise need to be emphasised.

So contemplation (intuition) and reason are designed to mutually serve each other; Likewise differentiation (in active engagement with reality) and integration (in passive withdrawal) are equally complementary and likewise need to be kept in balance.

Thus the contemplative quest is not designed just as a means of going beyond reality (as transcendent); equally it is designed as a means of more fully engaging with the world (as immanent). And the intuitive nature of both of these aspects needs to be always finely balanced with the complementary use of reason.


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