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Multidimensional Nature of Time and Space (6)

Perhaps before moving on further it might be instructive to elaborate a little more on what the imaginary nature of time entails.

As we have seen in psychological terms the notion of imaginary time arises due to the unconscious aspect of human experience. This then accords in complementary fashion with the holistic aspect of physical phenomena.

Now this holistic aspect remains very difficult for conventional scientists to accept as it implies that - what can only be understood as - holistic intelligence strictly applies with respect to all physical processes.

Last night while watching a TV programme on slime mold, a superb example was given of this holistic intelligence. So even though the slime mold represents a simple organic system comprising a single cell it can create complicated networks that are as efficient (if not more efficient) than those designed by professional engineers. So I would describe this as an innate holistic capacity that has emerged through evolution. However, much as we might want to avoid the issue, this inevitably relates to some inherent psychic capacity within matter. So whereas we may accept that in still remains with respect to the slime mold at an extreme innate level, yet we cannot deny its existence (at a deep unconscious level).

Of course I would go much further than this as I have already suggested with respect to prime numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis. It is now becoming apparent - at least in some quarters - that underlying the conventional "real" prime numbers (as discrete integers) is an intricate harmonic system of number wave patterns that are imaginary in nature.

So in a very direct sense this alternative imaginary number system (that is intimately connected with the "real" primes) represents the holistic basis of the number system.

A deeper understanding of this combined number system (of discrete number particles and continuous waves) implies that it is already inherent in the most basic of phenomenal physical processes. Thus a profound mystery, that we are only now able to start grappling with after so much evolution in human consciousness, can be seen to have already been inherent in physical processes from the very beginning of their phenomenal existence.

Again this really points to the fact that the fundamental scientific paradigm that we have been using to interpret physical reality (as if in some way independent of its psychological aspect) is ultimately totally unfounded.

And one of the key implications of combining holistic mind with specific phenomena of matter is the realisation that all phenomenal processes - both physical and psychological - necessarily unfold in both real and imaginary time (and of course also in complementary real and imaginary space).

Like many other I have been looking at the London Olympics over the past week. When the joyous athletes who have just won the gold medal are questioned about this defining moment in their careers, so often they express it as the realisation of a dream dating from early childhood.

So the "dream" relates essentially to the holistic unconscious aspect of experience that starts as mere potential for fulfilment. Thus it is clear that these athletes see the eventual prospect of winning the gold medal as providing them with a deeper holistic meaning in providing a true sense of fulfilment. And then in the wonderful moment of actual achievement the potential dream is finally realised.

Normally we think of dreams (as in sleep) as of an imaginary nature i.e. fantasy. And in very true sense such dreams (as expressive of the holistic unconscious) do indeed pertain to imaginary time (and space).

However the unconscious likewise play a big role in our waking lives (as we have just illustrated with Olympic athletes). Likewise the unconscious is especially important with respect to all creative inspiration. Strictly, even the most mundane of conscious tasks would not be possible if not oiled as it were with some measure of holistic (unconscious) insight.

Therefore all events, that psychologically unfold, contain both specific (conscious) and holistic (unconscious) aspects. And this implies that all such events unfold with respect to both real and imaginary time (and space). And once again because physical and psychological are dynamically complementary, this equally implies that in the physical world, all phenomenal events unfold in both real and imaginary time (and space).

Once again the real aspect relates to time (as independent) where opposite polarities are relatively separated. The imaginary aspect relates to time (as ultimately interdependent) where opposite polarities are relatively united. Thus an athlete may spend many long years of training in real time. However in the moment of fulfilling the dream this all melts into the present moment. So imaginary time - though linear in nature - is always expressive of a present moment that continually exists. Thus the more deeply aware one is of this underlying present moment the more imaginary is one's actual experience of time i.e. as a secondary manifestation in linear terms of what inherently is present and unchanging.

Not surprisingly therefore the purest experience of the imaginary nature of time (and space) unfolds at the "higher" more refined levels of contemplative experience.

However such contemplation in turn represents but a refinement in intuitive capacity (which is an integral part of all experience).

And once again - because physical and psychological are complementary - we can accurately say that the earliest i.e. most primitive physical interactions belong more to a world of imaginary - rather than real - time (and space). So virtual particles - for example - largely inhabit imaginary time (and space).

It is only when dynamic interaction sufficiently slows down to enable independent particles to form that the world of real time (and space) properly unfolds. And this world is necessarily underlined by a corresponding world of imaginary time (and space).


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